
*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Daughter.
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name* :-Aishwarya D Iyer
Gender :Female
Caste.Sect:- Iyer Vadamal
*Gothram* :Srivatsa
*Star :Hatham*
DoB/Date of Birth,:- 25-08-1998
Tob/Time:- 6:55 pm
*Pob/Place :* Hassan Karnataka
*Education* : MBA Finance gold medalis
*Job/Occupation:* Northern trust
*Residence/Job Location*:-Bangalore
Salary:- On request
Height : 5'7
Complextion :very fair
Father's Name : Mr. A S Dharmarajan
Mother's Name : Mrs.Geetha D
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :- 1 elder brother
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
A good looking caring, understanding partner who values relationship;
India or abroad is fine
Handsome salary
Pure vegetarian
*Contact phone No -*
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mr.Ranganathan, Bangalore +91 96864 26153*(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*4) Mrs Meena Divakar, Bangalore-9901634424.(
only Morning hours)*

*5) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*6) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*7) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*8). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*9).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*10) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*11). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*12) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*13) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*14) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*15) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Thiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*16).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*17) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*18)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*19)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*20) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*21) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* gopalkrishnan64@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/7, 10:21 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my daughter
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* Dikshita suresh
Gender : Female
Caste.Sect:-Iyer vadama
*Gothram :* Srivatsa
*Star :* Pooratathi
*Rasi:* Kumbham
DoB/Date of Birth,:-07-10-1995
Tob/Time:-3:36 pm
*Pob/Place :* Hyderabad
*Education :* MBA
*Job/Occupation:* Amazon
*Residence/Job Location:-* Hyderabad
Salary:- On request
Height : 5.4
Weight: 50
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.Suresh
Mother's Name : Mrs.Sunitha
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-1 sister
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* mature and responsible groom having respect for family values
*Contact phone No -* 9010202855
*E.mail:* sunitha4447@gmail.com
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/7, 10:23 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my daughter
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* Sangeetha
Gender : Female
Caste.Sect:-Telugu brahmin
*Gothram :* Koundinya
*Star :* Avittam
*Rasi:* Kumbham
DoB/Date of Birth,:-20-01-1999
Tob/Time:-6:38 am
*Pob/Place :* Chennai
*Education :* MA psychology and diploma in parents and child consultation
*Job/Occupation:* Counseling psychologist in private concern
*Residence/Job Location:-* Delhi
Salary:- On request
Height : 5
Weight: 60 kg
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.RS Subramanian
Mother's Name : Mrs.Meenakshi
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-1 brother
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* only in India and preferably simple and decent family settled she is carnetic singer marriage is also to practice and to give performance
*Contact phone No -* 9868100653
*E.mail:* meena16665@gmail.com
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/7, 10:27 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my daughter
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* Shruti Subramanian
Gender : Female
Caste.Sect:-Iyer vadama
*Gothram :* Haritha
*Star :* Uthiram
*Rasi:* Kanni
DoB/Date of Birth,:-02-03-1991
Tob/Time:-4:35 pm
*Pob/Place :* Bombay
*Education :* Phd in material science
*Job/Occupation:* Integration engineer intel corporation
*Residence/Job Location:-* oregano portland, US
Salary:- On request
Height : 5.6
Weight: 60 kg
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.R Subramanian
Mother's Name : Mrs.Kalpana
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-Nil
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.9833923144
*Expecting:-* Brahmin boy working responsible having respect for family values
*Contact phone No -* 9833923144
*E.mail:* shekhar.subramanian59@gmail.com
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/7, 10:29 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seek,ing an alliance for my daughter
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* M Shibana
Gender : Female
Caste.Sect:-Iyer vadama
*Gothram :* Koundinya
*Star :* Thiruvonam
*Rasi:* Magaram
DoB/Date of Birth,:-07-02-1997
*Pob/Place :* Neyveli
*Education :* Btech (genetic engg) MBA from SDA bocconi Institute of management
*Job/Occupation:* Analyst Ernest &Young
*Residence/Job Location:-* Mumbai
Salary:- 20 lakh pa
Height : 6.3
Weight: 61 kg
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.R Muralidharan
Mother's Name : Mrs.K Srividhya
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-1 sister
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* No expectations
*Contact phone No -* 9840060155
*E.mail:* muralidharan62@hotmail.com
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/7, 10:45 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my daughter
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* KR Ramya
Gender : Female
Caste.Sect:-Iyengar Thenkalai
*Gothram :* Koushika
*Star :* Mirugasheeresham
*Rasi:* Midhunam
DoB/Date of Birth,:-06-09-1996
Tob/Time:-7:07 am
*Pob/Place :* Arakkonam
*Education :* BE ECE MBA
*Job/Occupation:* Works at CTC
*Residence/Job Location:-* Chennai
Salary:- 8-10 lakh pa
Height : 5.7
Weight: 70 kg
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.KK Raghu
Mother's Name : Mrs.MV Rama
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-1 brother
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* employed good looking groom with the clean habits and good family background age gap 3 years
*Contact phone No -* 9940290263
*E.mail:* NA
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/7, 10:48 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my daughter
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* Preetha sriram
Gender : Female
Caste.Sect:-Iyengar vadakalai
*Gothram :* Koushika
*Star :* Swathi
*Rasi:* Thulam
DoB/Date of Birth,:-14-12-1998
Tob/Time:-6:40 pm
*Pob/Place :* Karnataka
*Education :* Btech cs and masters
*Job/Occupation:* Working in MNC
*Residence/Job Location:-* London,UK
Salary:- On request
Height : 5.6
Weight: 59
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.Sriram Jagannathan
Mother's Name : Mrs.Vinoda sriram
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-1 sister
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* open minded and jovial partner with the passion for fitness quotes and healthy living seeking alliance in Bangalore or London
*Contact phone No -* 9740644577
*E.mail:* emailjsriram@gmail.com
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/7, 10:54 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my daughter
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* S Pradakshana
Gender : Female
Caste.Sect:-Iyer vadama
*Gothram :* Vadhulam
*Star :* Sadhayam
*Rasi:* Kumbham
DoB/Date of Birth,:-01-08-1996
*Pob/Place :* Vellore
*Education :* Btech civil
*Job/Occupation:* Civil engineer
*Residence/Job Location:-* Coimbatore
Salary:- 40000 pm
Height : 5.7
Weight: 72
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.KN subramanian
Mother's Name : Mrs.Devasena
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-1 sister
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* boy working in Bangalore Chennai Coimbatore and Hyderabad only she prefers height 5.10 and above
*Contact phone No -* 9443548781
*E.mail:* NA
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* A Sudarshan kumar
Gender : Male
*Gothram :* Shiva
*Star :* Thiruvonam
*Rasi:* Magaram
DoB/Date of Birth,:-27-12-1992
Tob/Time:-3:55 pm
*Pob/Place :* Noida
*Education :* BA MBA
*Job/Occupation:* Private IT sector
*Residence/Job Location:-* Noida,NCR-Delhi
Salary:- 70000 pm
Height : 5.7
Weight: 70
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.S Arunkumar
Mother's Name : Mrs.Sashikala
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-1 brother
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.9790888635
*Expecting:-* No expectations
*Contact phone No -* 9716926017
*E.mail:* 27sudar@gmail.com
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/8, 4:07 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* Hariharan
Gender : Male
Caste.Sect:-Iyer vadama
*Gothram :* Sandilya
*Star :* Uthiradam
*Rasi:* Dhanusu
DoB/Date of Birth,:-26-07-1991
Tob/Time:-4:32 am
*Pob/Place :* Chennai
*Education :* PG engineering MS
*Job/Occupation:* Working in US based company
*Residence/Job Location:-* Provo, US
Salary:- 12000 USD
Height : 5.10
Weight: 70 kg
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.R Venkatramanan
Mother's Name : Mrs.V Padmasini
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-1 sister
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* well educated caring willing to settle in US those employment is not a must
*Contact phone No -* 9444924307
*E.mail:* rvram1961@gmail.com
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/8, 4:10 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* Venkatamahesh
Gender : Male
Caste.Sect:-Iyer Brahacharnam
*Gothram :* Atherya
*Star :* Ayilyam
*Rasi:* Kadagam
DoB/Date of Birth,:-24-05-1996
Tob/Time:-3:40 pm
*Pob/Place :* Ambattur
*Education :* MS industrial engineering
*Job/Occupation:* Production engineer
*Residence/Job Location:-* Relaeigh, North USA
Salary:- USD 6500 pm
Height : 5.5
Weight: 70 kg
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.PS Narayanan
Mother's Name : Mrs.Sreedevi
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :Nil
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.+91 8428452511
*Expecting:-* No expectations
*Contact phone No -* +919637194764
+91 9405948862
*E.mail:* shridevi0767@gmail.com
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/8, 4:25 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* KM Anirudh
Gender : Male
*Gothram :* Bharatwaja
*Star :* Krithiga
*Rasi:* Rishabham
DoB/Date of Birth,:-17-09-1992
*Pob/Place :* Chennai
*Education :* BE MS
*Job/Occupation:* Data analyst
*Residence/Job Location:-* USA
Salary:- On request
Height : 5.11
Weight: 65 kg
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.KS Muralidhar
Mother's Name : Mrs.Prabha
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-1 sister
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* bride studying or working in USA ready to relocate
*Contact phone No -* 9629344189
*E.mail:* NA
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/8, 4:31 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* CS Parasuraman
Gender : Male
Caste.Sect:-Kerala iyer
*Gothram :* koushika
*Star :* Magam
*Rasi:* Simha
DoB/Date of Birth,:-05-07-1981
Tob/Time:-11:30 am
*Pob/Place :* Chennai
*Education :* BE EEE
*Job/Occupation:* warehouse incharge with reputed air Compressor Company
*Residence/Job Location:-* Coimbatore
Salary:- On request
Height : Later
Weight: Later
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.CP Subramanian
Mother's Name : Mrs.CP Rajam
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :3 sister
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* girls should be willing to settle in Coimbatore with her in laws
*Contact phone No -* 9442651919
*E.mail:* NA
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 7:31 AM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* Akash Ramabadran
Gender : Male
Caste.Sect:-Iyengar vadakalai
*Gothram :* Srivatsa
*Star :* Kettai
*Rasi:* Viruchigam
DoB/Date of Birth,:-16-05-1995
Tob/Time:-10:15 pm
*Pob/Place :* Chennai
*Education :* BE cs
*Job/Occupation:* Senior software developer
*Residence/Job Location:-* Chennai
Salary:- 15.26 lakh pa
Height : 178
Weight: 65
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.Ramabadran
Mother's Name : Mrs.Vaidehi
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-Nil
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* No expectations
*Contact phone No -* +91 8122382968
*E.mail:* NA
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 7:33 AM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* C Narayanan
Gender : Male
Caste.Sect:-Iyengar Thenkalai
*Gothram :* Viswamithra
*Star :* Anusham
*Rasi:* Viruchigam
DoB/Date of Birth,:-29-03-1997
Tob/Time:-12:15 pm
*Pob/Place :* Madhavaram
*Education :* Bsc msc MBA
*Job/Occupation:* Stores executive
*Residence/Job Location:-* Poochampalli
Salary:- 4 lakh pa
Height : 6
Weight: 55 kg
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.Chandar
Mother's Name : Mrs.Girija
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-1 brother
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* No expectations
*Contact phone No -* 9500372343
*E.mail:* schandarchandar65@gmail.com
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 7:34 AM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Regi from stration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* Prashant Subash
Gender : Male
Caste.Sect:-Iyer vadama
*Gothram :* Garga
*Star :* Later
*Rasi:* Later
DoB/Date of Birth,:-30-04-1994
*Pob/Place :* Chennai
*Education :* Bcom MS in banking &Finance
*Job/Occupation:* Working financial analyst with department treasury &finance
*Residence/Job Location:-* Mumbai
Salary:- On request
Height : Later
Weight: Later
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.Subash Mahadevan
Mother's Name : Mrs.Sharadha subash
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-Nil
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* Girls preferably in Australia PG qualification should be able to speak hindi if possible
*Contact phone No -* 9819621252
*E.mail:* sharadhata28@gmail.com
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 7:36 AM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* Harisha M
Gender : Male
*Gothram :* Bharatwaja
*Star :* Magam
*Rasi:* Simham
DoB/Date of Birth,:-27-02-1991
Tob/Time:-12:33 am
*Pob/Place :* Bangalore
*Education :* ITI
*Job/Occupation:* Armstrong MNC company
*Residence/Job Location:-* Abbigere Chikkabanavara
Salary:- 40000 pm
Height : 5.3
Weight: 60 kg
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.R Manjunath
Mother's Name : Mrs.Vishal lakshi
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-4 sisters all married
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* Simple marriage
*Contact phone No -* 9449581360
*E.mail:* NA
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 7:38 AM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* V Anantha srinivasan
Gender : Male
*Gothram :* Bharatwaja
*Star :* Hastham
*Rasi:* Kanni
DoB/Date of Birth,:-14-04-1995
Tob/Time:-8:38 pm
*Pob/Place :* Kanchipuram
*Education :* Bcom LLB
*Job/Occupation:* Practising as a lawyer at pudhiya thalaimurai
*Residence/Job Location:-* Tambaram
Salary:- On request
Height : 5.6
Weight: 55
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.Vengada krishanan
Mother's Name : Mrs.Alamelu
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-Nil
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* good family background no expectation understanding girl
*Contact phone No -* 9677131167
*E.mail:* NA
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 7:39 AM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* R Vignesh
Gender : Male
Caste.Sect:-Iyer Vadama
*Gothram :* Koushika
*Star :* Visakam
*Rasi:* Thulam
DoB/Date of Birth,:-30-07-1990
Tob/Time:-1:00 pm
*Pob/Place :* Later
*Education :* BE civil
*Job/Occupation:* Working in KSV
*Residence/Job Location:-* Chennai
Salary:- 10 lakh pa
Height : 5.8
Weight: 70
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.R Ravichandran
Mother's Name : Mrs.R Shyamala
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-Nil
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* Graduate employed girl
*Contact phone No -* 90030 70720
*E.mail:* NA
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 7:54 AM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* MK Kalyanaraman
Gender : Male
Caste.Sect:-Iyengar vadakalai
*Gothram :* Srivatsa
*Star :* Poosam
*Rasi:* Kadagam
DoB/Date of Birth,:-26-07-1987
Tob/Time:-11:30 am
*Pob/Place :* Chennai
*Education :* Vedam
*Job/Occupation:* Kanipakkam kovil archagar
*Residence/Job Location:-* Kannipakkam
Salary:- 42000 pm
Height : 5.6
Weight: 65
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.MK Murali Krishna
Mother's Name : Mrs.MK Ranganayaki
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-1 sister
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.6369982542
*Expecting:-* No expectations
*Contact phone No -* 6300246230
*E.mail:* NA
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 8:04 AM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* CR Keshavan
Gender : Male
Caste.Sect:-Iyengar vadakalai
*Gothram :* Srivatsa
*Star :* Avittam
*Rasi:* Magaram
DoB/Date of Birth,:-20-04-1990
Tob/Time:-5:55 pm
*Pob/Place :* Chennai
*Education :* Bcom
*Job/Occupation:* Research panel associate
*Residence/Job Location:-* Chennai
Salary:- 2.5 lakh pa
Height : 5.3
Weight: 85 kg
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.Rammohan
Mother's Name : Mrs.Rajalakshmi
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :Nil
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.9841343112
*Expecting:-* Simple marriage
*Contact phone No -* 9841343112
*E.mail:* nalinimeera@gmail.com
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 8:05 AM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* Sriram Raja
Gender : Male
*Gothram :* Naithrupa kashyapa
*Star :* Pooradam
*Rasi:* Dhanusu
DoB/Date of Birth,:-15-12-1993
*Pob/Place :* Dombivli
*Education :* PGDM
*Job/Occupation:* HR executive
*Residence/Job Location:-* Pune
Salary:- On request
Height : 5.10
Weight: 100 kg
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.Raja
Mother's Name : Mrs.Jyoti
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-1 brother
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* professional qualified understand family adjustable
*Contact phone No -* 8291041377
*E.mail:* NA
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 8:11 AM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* S Rajesh
Gender : Male
Caste.Sect:-Telugu brahmin
*Gothram :* Gautama
*Star :* Chitra
*Rasi:* Thulam
DoB/Date of Birth,:-29-03-1994
Tob/Time:-8:15 am
*Pob/Place :* Chittoor
*Education :* Electrical and electronics engineering
*Job/Occupation:* Software engineer
*Residence/Job Location:-*Chennai
Salary:- 8.1 lakh pa
Height : 182
Weight: 70 kg
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.Suresh iyer
Mother's Name : Mrs.Padamaja
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-2 sisters
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* who is kind hearted understanding and positive Outlook towards life we are looking for a girl who is eager to be a part of loving and carrying family
We are seeking an educated family oriented girl with the positive Outlook
*Contact phone No -* 9025948821
*E.mail:* noolagundamsuresh@gmail.com
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 8:13 AM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* Raagav R
Gender : Male
*Gothram :* Haritha
*Star :* Moolam
*Rasi:* Dhanusu
DoB/Date of Birth,:-15-02-1996
Tob/Time:-00:55 am
*Pob/Place :* Vellore
*Education :* MBA BE DME
*Job/Occupation:* Network engineer
*Residence/Job Location:-* Chennai
Salary:- 30000 pm
Height : 175
Weight: 85
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.S Ramani
Mother's Name : Mrs.S Meera
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-1 brother
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* No expectations
*Contact phone No -* 9944798011
*E.mail:* sricat06122000@gmail.com
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 9:46 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* SN Gokula krishnan
Gender : Male
Caste.Sect:-Iyengar Vadakalai
*Gothram :* Srivatsa
*Star :* Bharani
*Rasi:* Mesham
DoB/Date of Birth,:-13-02-1997
Tob/Time:-9;50 pm
*Pob/Place :* Trichy
*Education :* Btech IT
*Job/Occupation:* Software development engineer grade 3
*Residence/Job Location:-* Chennai
Salary:- 1.50 lakh pm
Height : 172
Weight: 75
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.Narasimman S
Mother's Name : Mrs.Chitra N
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-2 sisters
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* No expectations
*Contact phone No -* 9566927823
*E.mail:* NA
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 9:50 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, 9667080514 )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* V Balaji
Gender : Male
Caste.Sect:-Iyer vadama
*Gothram :* Naithrupa kashyapa
*Star :* Mirugasheeresham
*Rasi:* Mithunam
DoB/Date of Birth,:-23-09-1997
*Pob/Place :* Salem
*Education :* BE EEE
*Job/Occupation:* Working in CTS
*Residence/Job Location:-* Coimbatore
Salary:- 7.2 lakh pa
Height : 5.11
Weight: 75 kg
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.S Venkatesan
Mother's Name : Mrs.V Radhika
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-1 sister
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* Good family good background employed girl settled at coimbatore
*Contact phone No -* +91 9790841635
*E.mail:* NA
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mr.Ranganathan, Bangalore +91 96864 26153*(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*4) Mrs Meena Divakar, Bangalore-9901634424.(
only Morning hours)*

*5) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*6) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*7) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*8). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*9).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*10) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*11). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*12) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*13) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*14) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*15) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Thiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*16).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*17) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*18)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*19)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*20) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*21) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* gopalkrishnan64@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 9:51 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, 9667080514 )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* Nimoy S Vasan
Gender : Male
*Gothram :* Vadhulam
*Star :* Ashwini
*Rasi:* Mesham
DoB/Date of Birth,:-16-06-1974
Tob/Time:-2:28 am
*Pob/Place :* Bangalore
*Education :* BBM with CRM
*Job/Occupation:* Sr.Mgr in private firm
*Residence/Job Location:-* Bangalore
Salary:- On request
Height : 5.6
Weight: 55 kg
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.Srinivasan
Mother's Name : Mrs.Meena
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-1 sister
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* educated the well mannered human
*Contact phone No -* 9845461308
*E.mail:* vasudhavirgo@gmail.com
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mr.Ranganathan, Bangalore +91 96864 26153*(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*4) Mrs Meena Divakar, Bangalore-9901634424.(
only Morning hours)*

*5) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*6) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*7) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*8). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*9).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*10) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*11). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*12) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*13) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*14) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*15) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Thiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*16).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*17) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*18)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*19)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*20) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*21) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* gopalkrishnan64@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 9:55 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999 )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-Girish Bharayhwaj*
Gender : Male
*Gothram :* Bharathwajam
*Star :* Moolam
*Rasi:* Dhanush
Tob/Time:-11.39 pm.
*Pob/Place :*Pudukkottai
*Education :* D. C. A.,
*Job/Occupation:* Manager
*Residence/Job Location:-* Chennai
Salary:- 4.5 Lakh pa
Height : 172 cm
Weight: 70 kgs
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.K. Sivasankaran
Mother's Name : Mrs.Subhasri
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-1sister
Ref:- 8072766727
Good family
*Contact -*
*E.mail:* NA
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
Mr./Mrs.Subhasri sivasankaran
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*4) Mr.N.Mohan,Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*5) Mr.Ranganathan, Bangalore +91 96864 26153*(
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr.A S Kuppuswamy Sastry Iyer-All Telugu Brahmin Chennai. 94443 88852* (
only Morning hours)

*7) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning ?hours)

*8) Mr.Venkatesan Iyer, Pandicheri-9791594626* (11am to 2pm)
*9) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*10)Mr.Babu Rajan , Srirangam*+91 97890 56745 (
only Morning hours)

*11) Mr.T.Sathyamurthy, VP-THAMBRAS, Ambathur, Chennai- Ph.+91 94453 22841.*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*14) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai*
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)

*15) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Thiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours)
*16) Mr.A.S.Kuppuswami (Telugu Brahmin group)+91 94443 88852*
*17) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*18)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*19) Mr.S. RAJARAMAN, @Ashok, Cuddalore, +91-9442912511.*
. (only Morning hours)

*20)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*21)Mrs.Srimathi, Kuttalam,TN, +91 90037 92584*

[3/11, 9:57 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999 )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* Vigneshwar Subramanian
Gender : Male
Caste.Sect:- Iyer Vadamal
*Gothram :* Sri Vatsa
*Star :* Revathi
*Rasi:* Meena
DoB,:- 04-03-1995
Tob/Time:- 04.20 Am
*Pob/Place :* Kolkata
*Education :* MBA PGDM RIMS Bangalore and Data science from Great Lakes
*Job/Occupation:* Corporate credit Manager in Karur Vysya Bank
*Residence/Job Location:-* Chennai
Salary:- 110,000 pm
Height : 5”6
Weight: 70 kg
Complextion : very fair
Father's Name : Late Mr GS Subramanian
Mother's Name : Mrs. Vasanthi Subramanian
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :- 1 brother elder
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* No expectations
*Contact -*9830575514
*E.mail:* NA
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*4) Mr.N.Mohan,Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*5) Mr.Ranganathan, Bangalore +91 96864 26153*(
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr.A S Kuppuswamy Sastry Iyer-All Telugu Brahmin Chennai. 94443 88852* (
only Morning hours)

*7) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning ?hours)

*8) Mr.Venkatesan Iyer, Pandicheri-9791594626* (11am to 2pm)
*9) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*10)Mr.Babu Rajan , Srirangam*+91 97890 56745 (
only Morning hours)

*11) Mr.T.Sathyamurthy, VP-THAMBRAS, Ambathur, Chennai- Ph.+91 94453 22841.*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*14) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai*
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)

*15) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Thiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours)
*16) Mr.A.S.Kuppuswami (Telugu Brahmin group)+91 94443 88852*
*17) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*18)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*19) Mr.S. RAJARAMAN, @Ashok, Cuddalore, +91-9442912511.*
. (only Morning hours)

*20)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*21)Mrs.Srimathi, Kuttalam,TN, +91 90037 92584*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* gopalkrishnan64@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 10:04 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* Kaushik Vishwanathan
Gender : Male
*Gothram :* Sahadaranamam
*Star :* Chitra
*Rasi:* Thulam
DoB/Date of Birth,:-26-11-1997
*Pob/Place :* Dombivli
*Education :* Mcom Pursuing MBA
*Job/Occupation:* Working in TCS
*Residence/Job Location:-* Dombivli
Salary:- 6 lakh pa
Height : 5.11
Weight: 85 kg
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.KS Viswanathan
Mother's Name : Mrs.Lalitha
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-1 brother
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* age gap 2-3 years employed girl good looking with good girl
*Contact phone No -* 9967782194
*E.mail:* lalithav0301@gmail.com
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 10:06 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* Dr Hariharan K
Gender : Male
Caste.Sect:-6000 Niyogi
*Gothram :* Srivatsa
*Star :* Mirugasheeresham
*Rasi:* Rishabham
DoB/Date of Birth,:-14-06-1999
Tob/Time:-00:56 am
*Pob/Place :* Chennai
*Education :* MBBS
*Job/Occupation:* Preparing for Neet PG
*Residence/Job Location:-* Chennai
Salary:- On request
Height : 175
Weight: 80
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.Manoharan K
Mother's Name : Mrs.? ?
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :Nil
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* Only doctors location Chennai
*Contact phone No -* 9445368945
*E.mail:* NA
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 10:08 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* Anand Akshay
Gender : Male
Caste.Sect:-Telugu brahmin
*Gothram :* Bharatwaja
*Star :* Krithka
*Rasi:* Rishabham
DoB/Date of Birth,:-08-01-1998
Tob/Time:-6:04 pm
*Pob/Place :* Pudukottai
*Education :* Bsc CT
*Job/Occupation:* Sr catalog assistant amazon
*Residence/Job Location:-*Coimbatore
Salary:- 50000 pm
Height : Later
Weight: Later
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.??
Mother's Name : Mrs.Gnanambal
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-Nil
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* No expectations
*Contact phone No -* 8015260745
*E.mail:* NA
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 10:10 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* Venkata shreeram
Gender : Male
Caste.Sect:-6000 niyogi
*Gothram :* Sandilya
*Star :* Sadhayam
*Rasi:* Kumbham
DoB/Date of Birth,:-26-02-1979
Tob/Time:-12:55 am
*Pob/Place :* Vijayawada
*Education :* Diploma in computer technology
*Job/Occupation:* Senior general manager at matex technologies
*Residence/Job Location:-* Chennai
Salary:- 1.07 lakh pa
Height : 183
Weight: 94
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.Raghupatirao
Mother's Name : Mrs.Kamala
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-1 sister
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* Brahmin girl good looking educated
*Contact phone No -* 97662 35069
*E.mail:* dvshreeram@hotmail.com
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, ex குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 10:13 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* Srivatsan
Gender : Male
Caste.Sect:-Iyengar vadakalai
*Gothram :* Srivatsa
*Star :* Kirthika
*Rasi:* Rishabham
DoB/Date of Birth,:-22-10-1994
*Pob/Place :* Madurai
*Education :* Mtech
*Job/Occupation:* MNC
*Residence/Job Location:-* Hyderabad
Salary:- 25 lakh pa
Height : 5.11
Weight: Later
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.Vijayakumar
Mother's Name : Mrs.Malathi
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-Nil
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-*Upto 5 years age difference
*Contact phone No -* 7598413191
*E.mail:* NA
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 10:15 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* Harish Rajendran
Gender : Male
Caste.Sect:-Iyer Brahacharnam
*Gothram :* Haritha
*Star :* Rohini
*Rasi:* Rishabham
DoB/Date of Birth,:-13-05-1994
Tob/Time:-5:18 am
*Pob/Place :* Chennai
*Education :* Mcom MA LLB(Hons) PGDML DFM
*Job/Occupation:* content writer trikon telesoft solutions
*Residence/Job Location:-* Chennai
Salary:- 10 lakh pa
Height : 176
Weight: 90 kg
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.D Rajendran
Mother's Name : Mrs.K Bhavani
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :-1 brother
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* employed girl with family values in Chennai are willing to relocate
*Contact phone No -* 9940160751
*E.mail:* NA
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 10:18 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* GR Shriram
Gender : Male
Caste.Sect:-Telugu brahmin
*Gothram :* Kanva
*Star :* Hastham
*Rasi:* Virgo
DoB/Date of Birth,:-01-04-1999
Tob/Time:-6:18 am
*Pob/Place :* Coimbatore
*Education :* Diploma in electrical and electronics engineering
*Job/Occupation:* Roots industries india pvt ltd
*Residence/Job Location:-* Coimbatore
Salary:- 3 lakh pa
Height : 173
Weight: 70 kg
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.Rangarajan K
Mother's Name : Mrs.Gurulakshmi
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :--nil
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-* Degree with job
*Contact phone No -* 9442764267
*E.mail:* shriram4349@gmail.com
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
*Any enquiry, Please call & Ref. with your NDM register number.

*பதிவு எண்ணை குறிப்பிட்டு தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும் 

[3/11, 10:20 PM] Admin Gopalkrishnan: 


*(FREE MATRIMONIAL GROUP, Every Tuesday and Friday FREE Registration,* Please WhatsApp your profile to +91-9717236514, 7011063999, )
We are seeking an alliance for my Son
Bachelor Unmarried
*Name :-* S Sudharshan
Gender : Male
*Gothram :* Vadulam
*Star :* Uthiram
*Rasi:* Kanni
DoB/Date of Birth,:-07-06-1995
Tob/Time:-4:00 pm
*Pob/Place :* Chennai
*Education :* Btech petro chemical engg
*Job/Occupation:* Petregaz pvt ltd deputy manager
*Residence/Job Location:-* Nellore
Salary:- 16 lakh pa
Height : 5.6
Weight: 70 kg
Complextion : fair
Father's Name : Mr.K sridharan
Mother's Name : Mrs.Brindha
Siblings( Brothers/Sisters) :Nil
Ref:- Relative and Friends Phone. number.
*Expecting:-*No expectations
*Contact phone No -* 8148533134
*E.mail:* NA
*Declaration ...... I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.*
*1)I/We have studied and completely understood the terms and conditions of NDM Groups of Matrimonial Alliances services and fully agree with it.*
*2)By submitting the profile of my writing ward, I/We with my Son/Daughter fully accept the Terms & Conditions and accept to given my/our consent details form kit to be published in any social network such as whatsapp, blog,Google doc etc.,also we accept your background verifications..etc*
*3)If any reason we want to withdraw this service or we will inform whenever marriage is settled.*
*Agreed by*
*Name of Parent/Guardian 


*If interested in the above profile, please contact and call Parents or you can call through NDM Group Admin....*
*All NDM Admin's:-*
*NDM Overseas Admin:-* *1.Mr.Ramaratnam Sivasankaran, UK*+919003199412 or +44 7946 663340
*2.CANADA,USA Profiles:-*
*1)Mr.Guruswamy Alooru,+16474026692*
*2)Mr.Sridharan Thiruvengadam,@ Girish, Canada phone contact +1416 684 9027, And India ph.number +91 96631 22010*
*3.USA Profiles Mrs.Bhavani Viswanathan,*
+91 93222 46521
*All India Admins:-*
*1) Mr.Gopalakrishnan, N.Delhi+91-9717236514, 7011063999*(
Call IST-20.00.hours to 22.30 hours time)

*2) Mr.Venkatraman, Bangalore,+91-9379160731(
call 2 pm to 5pm only)*

*3) Mrs.Meena Diwakar Bangalore +91 99016 34424:(
only Morning hours)*

*4) Mr.Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 97690 72805 (
10am to 5pm)*

*5) Mrs.M.Usha Iyer, Mumbai/Pune :-9821445946* (
only Morning hours)

*6) Mr Ranganathan Mumbai-9819128630, (
only Morning hours)*

*7). Mr Ganesan Ramakrishnan, Mumbai, 9930501337.(
only Morning hours)*

*8).Mr Venkatraman Mumbai-8657385405..(
only Morning hours)*

*9) Mr.N.Mohan, Chennai +91- 7042115912*(
only Morning hours)

*10). Mrs. S.Janaki Viswanathan Mami, Chennai +91 95660 08671**(
only Morning hours 10 am to 1 pm)

*11) Mr.Dharmaraj Surya Chennai +91 89397 25543*(
only Morning hours)

*12) Mrs.Jaya Natarajan. வேளச்சேரி, Chennai,
+91 98849 49597(only Morning hours)*

*13) Mr.R Venkatraman, THAMBRAS, Chennai-9080724227.(only Morning hours,)*
*14) Mr.Sundaram Iyengar, Tiruchi, +91 90251 94904*(only Morning hours,)
*15) Mrs Harini, Srirangam, +916379345364.(only Morning hours,)*
*16)Sri.Govinda Rajan, Ranipet, Vellore. +919626293832 (only Morning hours,)*
*17).Mr.Pattabiraman,NPR-Neyveli, +91 94425 49905*(
only Morning hours)

*18) Mr.Kuppuswamy, (Gurkkal Group, Chennai) +91 88837 99584 (
only Morning hours)*

*19)Mrs.D.Girija Jambunathan, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +91-9953758755* (
only Morning hours)

*20)Mr.Ramesh, Delhi-NCR,Hariyana,UP, +919810279533* (
only Morning hours)

*21)Mrs.K S MYTHILY, Tirupathi, 9440122191*

*22) Mr.C.Araamudhan, Coimbatore, Phone 9944227932*
8.00 to 900 pm*

*23) Gayathiry, Erode,+91 75985 62909
10.00am to 2.00 pm*

*For Free Horoscope Token number:-*
*NDM-E.mail:-* newdelhimangalyam.charity@gmail.com
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